
The anointing you honor will honor you back.

...Pastor Dunstan Kagwiisa.

Our Locations

Business Offices:
World Restoration Ministries,
Mengo Town, Sentema Road, Step by Step Junction,
Below Ndejje University, Kampala, Uganda.

Service Locations:
The Agape Meetings,
House of Rest (Former FIDO-DIDO),
Kampala Road, Uganda.

Sunday Love Service,
Equatoria Mall, Equator Hall.
Opposite Watoto Church Building.
Kyaggwe Road, Kampala, Uganda.

How can we serve you?

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Please allow 2-3 business days for a response.
If you need assistance right away, please call (+256) 0770 494 410 or (+256) 0751323 319 to speak with someone.

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